Thursday, March 21, 2013

Its Coming Together!

     Yesterday I shared about my attempt to wake up early in the morning before my family rises. For this night owl, nine hour, sleep loving, overwhelmed momma it is QUITE the challenge!
     However, I started to see something new yesterday. Life's events flow together! I know I wrote recently that I wanted my life to start running together and flow peacefully like a river, but yesterday a part of my brain actually comprehended what that means! I don't expect to be able to do it perfectly, but it is pretty stinking exciting to actually "get it!"
     You may wonder how this revelation of the formation of life events came to me. (I'm wondering how I never saw it before!) Well, as I failed at my first attempt to escape my slumber before dawn, I tried to re-evaluate my strategy for accomplishing this goal. It was pretty simple to see that if I wanted to wake early, I would need to go to bed earlier. However, there are many things (most things actually) that get accomplished in the very late evening and wee hours of the morning. That is the time I relax, catch up with friends, think about life, attempt some housekeeping, pray and even shop! That is a LOT of things shoved into the last few hours before bed. No wonder most of it doesn't get done. OK, so back to my revelation... when I realized I would need to go to bed earlier in order to wake up earlier, I also came to the conclusion that the tasks that are reserved for that time would also need to be rescheduled. As I started thinking of what tasks I reserve for that time and how I could reschedule them, I realized it would take ALL day just to get ready for bed!
     Maybe that's how it is supposed to happen?! Eureka! The missing piece! I need to prepare ALL day today just to get ready for tomorrow! Wait? What? How have I existed this long without knowing this? I understand that those of us with complicated wiring systems in our brains (ADD/ADHD) function better under a certain amount of pressure as it acts as stimulation for our brains, but in a subconscious effort to create stim, I created an insurmountable obstacle of unfinished business.
     Next comes the hardest part for me... the "doing" part.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you put it, that the full day affects that night's sleep and the next day. Recently diagnosed with ADD, I see myself in the way you pile in a million tasks right at night - that's certainly when I've got a million windows open on my computer and decide it's time to finally get to that chore I've been putting off.

    One thing I honestly just got right before reading your blog is a free sleeping app for my phone. It's SleeBbot for Android and there are a ton of features I'm excited to try: gently reminding you it's time to go to sleep, singing you a lullaby, tracking your movements and sounds overnight and actually waking you up within a 30 minute window based on the sleep cycles it's observed. Something to consider!
